Julia & Olivia: From 'I Do' To 'I Dare'

Team Motto: Dig deep and never give up!



The Stakes: Olivia and Julia want to put their new marriage to the ultimate test, which means testing themselves and each other. They know they have what it takes to win THE AMAZING RACE CANADA, and they’re so excited at the thought of pushing themselves beyond their limits. They know they have an unbreakable bond, and they’re willing to put it all out on the line for each other!


Julia Viola (she/her)

Age: 33
Occupation: Operations
Current City: Clearview, Ont.
Hometown: Clearview, Ont.
Strengths: Positivity, endurance, competitive
Fear/phobia: Bugs and insects
Pet peeve about your teammate: She eats too much fast food and candy!
What will you do with the prize money? Save, buy furniture for our new home, and go on our honeymoon!


Olivia Curto (she/her)

Age: 33
Occupation: Banking
Current City: Clearview, Ont.
Hometown: Clearview, Ont.
Strengths Endurance, outgoing personality, puzzles
Fear/phobia: Severe motion sickness.
Pet peeve about your teammate: Her lack of listening and thinking she’s always right.
What will you do with the prize money? Save, buy furniture for our new home, and go on our honeymoon!


Being on Season 10 of THE AMAZING RACE CANADA is destiny for Julia and Olivia, who are coming up on their 10th anniversary together – and first anniversary as a married couple. When they first met, they were both dating other people, but Olivia was instantly convinced that she was the person for her. She turned to her best friend and said, “I’m going to marry that girl one day”. A few years later they began dating, and the rest is Herstory!


As a married couple, they believe they are no longer individuals but a team through and through, even though they are quite opposite. Julia hates confrontation, and Olivia is very up front. They are both extremely competitive, even with each other, which should put their relationship to the test on the Race. They have both competed in marathons, multiple IRONMAN’s, and are triathletes. They are betting on their athleticism to take them far in this Race.


It’s very important to both Julia and Olivia to be a positive example of what a long-term relationship can look like in the 2SLGBTQI+ community. With a decade of experience together, these two have an unbreakable bond, and they’re willing to put it on the line for each other.


Learn more about Julia & Olivia here!

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