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Jamaican Coconut Drops

Jamaican Coconut Drops are made with 3 simple ingredients; real coconut, dark brown sugar, and fresh ginger but pack a powerful delicious sweet punch! These tasty Jamaican sweet treats are a traditional and easy-to-make coconut snack.



  • 6 cups coconut chopped (2 medium whole dried coconuts)
  • 3 tablespoons fresh ginger grated, packed
  • 6 cups dark brown sugar loosely packed
  • 8 cups water
  • 1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract


  1. Break open coconuts and ensure they are fresh. Remove coconut meat from the shell with a knife – be careful not to cut yourself. Cut larger coconut pieces into half-inch (small) pieces. You may use the chop setting on a blender, but note that is not the traditional way to prepare this treat. Set aside. Then, grate the ginger and set it aside.
  2. Add coconut, ginger, dark brown sugar, water, and pure vanilla extract in a large, deep pot. Heat over medium-high heat and bring to a rapid boil.
  3. Reduce heat to medium. Using a large spoon, continuously stir the mixture to prevent it from burning or sticking to the pot. Once most of the liquid has evaporated, add a cup of water. Cook until the mixture begins to caramelize and become very sticky.
  4. When the liquid has thickened and becomes challenging to mix/turn with a spoon, reduce the heat to the lowest possible setting to keep warm. Using two spoons, spoon the mixture and drop it onto a lined baking sheet. Allow to cool and harden, then enjoy!


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