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Caesar 2.0

Add romaine hearts, kale, roasted Brussels sprouts, green peppers, and broccoli to create a delicious and nutritious Caesar salad.



Salad Base Preparation

  • 1 head Romaine lettuce
  • 1 bunch kale
  • 1 bunch fresh dill
  • 1 bunch fresh oregano
  • 10 Brussels sprouts
  • 1 head broccoli
  • 1 green bell pepper
  • 1 pomegranate

Crispy Lemon Quinoa

  • 1 cup cooked white quinoa
  • 50g fresh lemon juice
  • 10g neutral oil
  • 50g extra virgin olive oil
  • 20g water
  • 3g salt
  • 300g roasted garlic
  • 300g mayonnaise
  • 5g black pepper
  • 40g anchovy paste
  • 60g red wine vinegar
  • 60g Dijon mustard
  • 30g Chipotle in adobo sauce


Salad Base Preparation

  1. Romaine Lettuce & Kale: Clean, wash, and chop Romaine hearts into bite-size pieces. Strip kale leaves from stems, wash them, and slice them into bite-size pieces.
  2. Dill & Oregano: Strip leaves from stems and roughly chop.
  3. Brussels Sprouts: Clean, halve, toss in neutral oil with salt, and roast at 400°F until brown and crispy.
  4. Green Pepper: Core and dice into bite-size pieces.
  5. Pomegranate: Remove seeds and discard excess pith.
  6. Set aside prepared ingredients for final assembly.

Crispy Lemon Quinoa Preparation

  1. Toss cooked quinoa with lemon juice and oil.
  2. Spread evenly on a parchment-lined baking sheet.
  3. Roast at 350°F, stirring every 5 minutes, until golden brown and crunchy.

Caesar Dressing Preparation

  1. Blend lemon juice, water, and salt in a high-powered blender.
  2. Slowly emulsify neutral and olive oils into the lemon juice mixture.
  3. Adjust seasoning to taste with salt.
  4. Chill in the refrigerator until needed.

Final Assembly

  1. Toss romaine hearts, kale, roasted Brussels sprouts, green peppers, and broccoli in a bowl with vinaigrette. Season to taste with additional salt, dill, and oregano.
  2. Place dressed salad in a serving bowl.
  3. Generously drizzle with Caesar drizzle.
  4. Top with Parmesan cheese, crispy lemon quinoa, and pomegranate seeds.
  5. Lightly dust with Mexican chili powder before serving. Enjoy!