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We surprised Christine Cushing with the results of her Ancestry DNA test

And the results are not even close to what we expected!
June 26, 2019 10:02 a.m. EST
June 26, 2019 10:02 a.m. EST

Tyrone Edwards, the host of "DNA Dinners," helped us surprise Christine Cushing with the results of her AncestryDNA test! We explored and celebrated her heritage while using delicious food to showcase her background.

Though Christine and her mom were both born in Athens, Greece, her father was born in Cairo, Egypt. With an upbringing that was heavily influenced by Greek culture, Christine was under the impression that her ethnicity was majorly tied to that region. However, her AncestryDNA results tell a much richer story of her ancestral origin! 

Christine was shocked and excited to find out that her largest DNA Ethnicity Estimate percentage is 39% Middle East. She couldn't believe that her DNA tied to 29% Italian, 24% Turkish/Caucasus and only 8% Greek. Christine always wondered if her surname is truly Cousvis. Without knowing much about Christine's father's backstory, we explored her AncestryDNA Cousin Matches which revealed that she likely has a 2nd cousin with the family name of Cousvis that was born in Cairo. 

If you want to discover your roots, Ancestry DNA kit is on sale for Canadians until July 1st! Save $40 on  your order from

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