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Celebrate Earth Day with these fun activities for toddlers to teens

Inspire kids to help the planet this Earth Day with these fun activities for all ages!
April 22, 2023 3:37 p.m. EST

Happy Earth Day! Now, if you’ve got questions like, “What is Earth Day?” or “When did it become a thing?”, we’ve got answers. So, grab your reusable water bottle and let’s dive in.

Ok, so what is this day about? As much as Earth Day is a day to celebrate life on our beautiful planet, it’s also a time to think about the impact we have on it. There’s no doubt that we can all make changes in our day-to-day lives - no matter how small - that can make a big difference in our environment.


Picture it! The US. 1970. Millions took to the streets across the country, taking part in rallies and marches to push the environment onto the political agenda. It worked, and that’s how Earth Day got started. Fast-forward to 2023: Earth Day is now a global movement recognized by 1 billion people with events taking place in more than 190 countries.


Obviously, we don’t need a dedicated day to count the ways in which we can live more sustainably, but Earth Day is officially on April 22. 'Invest in Our Planet' is the theme of this year's event, calling on businesses, governments, and citizens to invest in the planet for future generations.


Who better to celebrate Earth Day with than the future stewards of our planet? To save you time - your most precious resource - we’ve rounded up the fun and easy activities for kids of all ages - teens too - to get them thinking and excited about conserving the environment. All you need is stuff you probably have at home, and some activities just involve showing up!

Toddlers and Preschoolers

Earth Day Sticky Wall

What better way for kids to celebrate Earth Day than by making their very own planet Earth? The coolest part about this activity is that little ones get to stick things to the wall. What toddler or preschooler wouldn’t love that? It's easy and makes for hours of sensory play and endless imagination. Your kids (and clean walls) will thank you for it.

Ideal for ages 2 to 5.

Tip: For more super fun activities for toddlers follow @happytoddlerplaytime.

School Age Kids

Plant a seed jar

Kids love getting their hands dirty, so why not inspire a green thumb? Something as easy as planting a seed jar and watching the seeds sprout and grow into a flower or vegetable can give kids a great sense of accomplishment. Keep the fun going by planting the sprouts in a garden - or in containers on a balcony - so kids can harvest them later.

Tip: Here's a creative way to upcycle your empty juice boxes into these fun and vibrant coloured seed starters.

Ideal for ages 6 to 9.


Go on a nature scavenger hunt

It can be as simple as a walk around the neighborhood, to the park, or a nearby nature trail. Look for different types of insects, flowers, and leaves, or listen for different types of bird calls. Best of all, getting kids outside and exploring nature is proven to do wonders for their mental health.

Ideal for ages 10 to 12.


Host a litter clean-up party

We all know teens like to hang out at the park or beach with friends and listen to music, so why not turn a regular hangout into a litter cleanup? If your teens like a little competition, turn it into a "heaviest bag" contest to see who collects the most garbage. Here’s an interesting fact: did you know that recycling just one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a TV for three hours? That’s about a Leaf's game.

Ideal for ages 13 and up.

Host a clothing swap

It's not like teens need a real reason to invite friends over, but hosting a clothing swap is also good for the planet. Here's why: a recent study shows that Canadians throw out about a million pounds of fabric a year, which makes up just over four percent of landfill waste. So, exchanging trendy items among friends is a great way to keep clothing out of landfills and get teens excited about sustainable fashion.

Ideal for ages 13 and up.

* Find out how you can get involved in Earth Day events in and around your community, and learn about events happening across Canada.

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