Have you been experiencing hand pain and numbness throughout the pandemic? You're not alone! Manual osteopath Liza Egbogah says hand pain has been exacerbated for many while working from home, due to the increased time using them for new hobbies, tech, or even getting to work in the garden. However you're using them, chances are your hands have been working overtime. Not only that, but Liza says stress can also make us more susceptible to nerve irritation! This all makes taking care of the muscles and joins that affect our hands all the more important.
Luckily, there are some at-home ways that you can make sure your hands are being taken care of! Liza shared some easy stretches, exercises and massages anyone can do daily to give their hands a hand. Check them out below, and don't forget to watch the video above for more great tips!
First, outstretch your arm in front of you with your palm facing up. Place your opposite thumb on the back of the wrist and place your other four fingers on the palm. Use those four fingers to pull your hand back while your opposite thumb supports the wrist. You should feel a stretch at the front of your forearm - hold for ten seconds. Then, repeat for your other forearm.
Start by forming a tight fist with your hand and holding for two seconds. Then slowly open up your hand as much as you can. You should feel your fingers lengthening and a stretch in the palm of your hands. Hold that stretch for two seconds, and then repeat this movement five times for each hand.
Grab your elbow with your opposite hand so that the meaty part of your hand, right under your thumb, is in contact with the pointiest part of your elbow. Use your elbow to provide comfortable pressure to the meaty part of your hand and use circular motions to massage. Go clockwise and counter clockwise. From there you can use the elbow to massage the rest of your hand using the same circular motions.
Repeat on the other hand.
There are two acupressure points in your hands that you can use to alleviate tension, and help allieve anxiety and stress. The first one is the union valley point! With your index finger and thumb, apply firm pressure to the webbing between the thumb and index finger of your other hand. Massage the pressure point for four to five seconds, taking slow, deep breaths.
The second acupressure point is the inner frontier gate point. Turn one hand so your palm faces up. With your other hand, measure three fingers below your wrist. The point lies here, in the hollow between the tendons. Apply pressure to the point and massage for four to five seconds.
Finally, wrist circles can also help! With an open hand, rotate both of your wrists clockwise five times, and then counter clockwise five times.