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Avocado Cucumber Inari

The fluffy rice and fried tofu pocket contrast nicely with each other, making these the perfect bite-sized bite. 



  • 1 cup (180 g) short grain sushi rice
  • 1 cup (250 ml) water
  • 2 tablespoons seasoned rice vinegar
  • 8 pieces inari age (fried and seasoned tofu pockets)
  • 1 avocado, thinly sliced
  • 1/4 cup thinly sliced cucumber
  • Thinly sliced green onion
  • Soy sauce
  • Pickled ginger


  1. Add the rice to a fine mesh sieve and rinse with cold water until the water runs clear. 
  2. Transfer the rice to a small saucepan and stir in the water. Bring to a low boil over medium-high heat, then cover with a lid and turn the heat down to low. Cook for 15 to 17 minutes or until all the water has been absorbed. Remove the pot from the heat and, leaving the rice covered, allow it to steam for 10 minutes.
  3. Remove the lid, transfer the rice to a large bowl, and pour over two tablespoons of vinegar. Gently fold to evenly distribute the vinegar evenly, adding more if desired. Set aside and allow the rice to cool to room temperature.
  4. Divide the rice into eight equal portions and shape it into ovals about the same width as the inari age. Very carefully open the inari age pockets and stuff with the rice, avocado, and cucumber.
  5. Garnish with green onion and sesame seeds and serve with soy sauce and pickled ginger. Enjoy!

TIP: Inari age can be found in Japanese grocery stores' fridge/freezer section.

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