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Potato candy

Adopted by the Irish immigrants of the Appalachian region, where potatoes were grown plentiful and made into this substitute candy, especially at Christmas time. As the candy became more Americanized the peanut butter layer was added, and it’s now a synonymous look for it.



  • 1 small Russet potato
  • 6- 7 1/2 cups powdered sugar
  • 1 jar (16.3oz) smooth peanut butter


  1. Wash, peel and roughly dice the raw potato. Add the potato to a small pan over high heat and add water to cover. Boil until fork tender. Drain, mash (preferably using a ricer) and measure out ½ cup of cooked potato
  2. Transfer to a very large bowl and allow to cool completely to room temperature
  3. Once cooled to room temperature, add one cup of powdered sugar and beat in. Continue beating in cupfuls of the powdered sugar. After the sixth cupful of powdered sugar, the dough should be firm enough to roll into a ball. If it isn’t you can add the additional powdered sugar. The dough should be firm enough to roll easily
  4. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and chill for 40 to 60 minutes. If you overchill it the dough may become too brittle. If this happens allow it to sit at room temperature for about five to 10 minutes
  5. Dust your work surface liberally with powdered sugar. Divide the dough into two portions and roll one half into a rectangular shape about one-third inch thick. Trim the edges to an even shape
  6. Spread ½ the peanut butter evenly over the surface of the dough leaving a half an inch border around the perimeter of the dough
  7. Starting at the longer edge, carefully roll into a log shape 
  8. Repeat with the second quantity of dough and peanut butter to form a second log 
  9. Carefully cut the formed logs into ½-inch thick discs. (You may need to briefly chill the logs before this to allow easier cutting). Store the candy refrigerated in an airtight container. Serve and enjoy! 

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