1-1/3 cup (320 milliliters) sugar, divided
1/2 cup (120 milliliters) water
1-1/2 cups (360 milliliters) milk
1 cup (240 milliliters) heavy cream
1-1/2 teaspoons (7.5 milliliters) vanilla extract
2 eggs
3 egg yolks
1/8 teaspoon (0.5 milliliters) salt
- Preheat the oven to 285 F (140 C). In a saucepan, add 2/3 cup (160 milliliters) sugar and water. Cook, boiling, until mixture is reduced and amber in colour. Pour sugar mixture into ramekins and let cool. Place ramekins in a baking tray filled with a few inches of water. Add milk, cream, and vanilla to a separate saucepan. Cook over low to scald milk. In a separate bowl, whisk together eggs, egg yolks, remaining sugar, and salt. Gradually add milk mixture to egg mixture and whisk to incorporate. Strain. Pour into ramekins, leaving a one centimeter space at the top. Bake for 40-45 minutes, or until slightly wiggly but not runny. Remove and let cool completely. To serve, run a small knife around the edges of the ramekins and flip over onto plates to release crème caramel.