1. Begin by making the passata. Wash the tomatoes, then cut out the core top and quarter. On medium heat, reduce the tomatoes for 10 to 15 minutes to eliminate some of the water and soften the tomatoes. Pass the tomatoes through a food strainer and set aside.
2. In a 12 quart pot, coarsely chop the onions and add them to the olive oil over low to medium heat. Cook the onions at low temperature for about five minutes, or until they’re soft and translucent. Then, chop the garlic into slivers and add to the pot on low heat to cook for five minutes with the onion and oil. Make sure the garlic and onions are nice and soft, do not crisp them.
3. Add the passata to the pot and cook on low to medium heat for about one hour stirring frequently to spread the garlic, onion and oil throughout. Stir frequently while bringing the onion and garlic from the bottom of the pot to the top to cook evenly.
4. After an hour, the sauce should be lightly bubbling with a bit of froth on top. Turn off the heat, chop the basil and oregano, and add to the sauce with salt and pepper to taste. Leave the pot to cool for at least one hour stirring occasionally.
5. Freeze or can the sauce to enjoy through the winter!