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Shake your baking mistakes with these simple and elegant recipes

Anna Olson serves up her tips on how to bake like a pro!
March 22, 2023 7:00 a.m. EST
March 22, 2023 7:00 a.m. EST

Avoid making baking mistakes, thanks to these easy tips from Chef Anna Olson. Anna shares two decadent baking recipes to serve up to your crowd with ease. 

Salmon and spinach wellingtons

Traditional “wellington” is a beef tenderloin surrounded by mushroom duxelles (cooked pureed mushroom filling) and pate, all encased in puff pastry. This version is easier - the time it takes to cook the salmon matches the time it takes for the puff to bake. 


Creamsicle cake

This cake recipe is inspired by your favourite childhood iced treat. Orange and vanilla are the key flavours in this layer cake, which is also orange-coloured. The cake is moist and not the least bit crumbly, and the cream cheese frosting handles easily and sets well, making this cake a manageable task for anyone new at assembling cakes (or for a family project with kids). It’s served right from the fridge and stable enough to transport to a party.


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