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Lack of sleep isn't the only reason you're tired

Find out how to cure your fatigue!
August 14, 2019 9:34 a.m. EST
August 14, 2019 9:34 a.m. EST

Tired of feeling tired? Though it's easy to assume that it's simply because you didn't sleep a full 8 hours, that may not be the reason. There are numerous causes unrelated to lack of sleep that could be behind your lack of energy. Anemia, nutrient deficiencies and chronic infections are just some of what could be causing tiredness. Other causes can include chronic inflammation, hyperthyroidism, sleep apena, diabetes, autoimmune conditions, chronic stress and cancer.

Rather than telling you to reach for an energy drink or a big cup of coffee, Naturopath Natasha Turner shared beneficial ways to naturally boost your energy!


Blood tests aren't enjoyable, but they sure are important! A simple blood test can help you test for things such as cortisol, iron levels, Vitamin B12, CBC, thyroid markers, Vitamin D3, blood sugar, insulin and more. All of these elements can play a role in how tired you feel on a regular basis.

Coritsol is a stimulating hormone that allows us to get out of bed and adapt to stressors. Having low cortisol levels can lead to fatigue and depression. In terms of iron, optimal levels should be between 70 and 84 for most women. Vitamin B12 is essential for mood, red blood cell production and memory. An optimal B12 is between 600-1200. When it comes to Vitamin D3, you'll want to make sure you have good levels! Vitamin D3 is essential for insulin balance, bone health, weight management and immunity. Ideal levels should be between 125 and 200. 

Additioanlly, an Orthostatic BP test can screen for adrenal fatigue and burnout, while a medical grade gio-impedance machine can assess muscle mass and fat mass. The more muscle you have, the better your energy is. 


Firstly, try to add a good amount of protein into your breakfast. Added protein is an effective way to ignite your metabolism in the morning without making a major dietary change. Start your day with at least 30 grams of protein but try to avoid starchy carbs.

Making time for a quick workout may seem counterintuitive but hopping onto the treadmill can actually boost your energy levels rather than deplete them. Adding in a short 20 minute workout a few times a week into your schedule can help improve the way you feel throughout the day. 

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