
How to identify and deal with postpartum anxiety

Clinical psychologist Anna-Maria Tosco shares her personal experience with the condition and offers practical advice.
November 17, 2021 1:20 p.m. EST

In Canada, about 30,000 babies are born prematurely every year. For many parents, that means dealing with a lot of anxiety and stress in the time that follows. Clinical psychologist Anna-Maria Tosco isn't just an expert on this subject - she also has personal experience with it after having a very difficult experience with her first birth. Her daugher Calliope was born prematurely, at 29 weeks - and both she and her husband developed a fear that things would take a turn for the worse.

Anna-Maria shared her experience with postpartum anxiety, and her journey to recovery. She also offered some practical advice and strategies to anyone dealing with a similar condition. They're all about getting back to basics, including:

  • Making sure you're eating, sleeping and exercising
  • Do the bare minimum
  • Be slow with daily tasks and chores
  • Speak to people who support you
  • Express your emotions and intruisive thoughts

For more details and to hear more about Anna-Maria's story, click on the video above.