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No-churn ice cream

Homemade ice cream is such an absolute delight and honestly, a total flex when entertaining, but who has room for an ice cream maker? Luckily no-churn ice cream does not require an ice cream maker - all you need is an electric mixer, a bowl, and a loaf pan, and you can make delicious homemade ice cream at home.



  • 1 14-ounce can sweetened condensed milk or dulce de leche
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract or vanilla bean paste
  • Pinch of sea salt
  • 2 cups whipping cream, chilled
  • Mix-ins (optional): cookie bits, toasted nuts, chocolate chips, candy-coated chocolate candies, pretzels, popcorn, cereal, etc.
  • Sauces (optional): chocolate fudge sauce, peanut butter, lemon curd, jam, caramel sauce, etc.


  1. Place a nine-by-five metal loaf pan in the freezer to chill. 
  2. Stir together sweetened condensed milk, vanilla, and salt in a large bowl. Set aside. 
  3. Whip the cream with an electric mixer on high until stiff peaks form. Fold about one cup of the whipped cream into the condensed milk mixture with a rubber spatula until combined. 
  4. Fold the lightened condensed milk mixture into the remaining whipping cream until fully combined and no streaks appear. 
  5. Pour into the chilled metal loaf pan, cover tightly with plastic wrap, and freeze for two hours. 
  6. Remove from freezer and add desired mix-ins and sauces and swirl with a spoon. Re-cover the pan and freeze again until solid, at least three hours. Serve and enjoy! 

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