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Sweet date omelette

This sweet omelet is an ideal breakfast before a big hike or when you need lasting sustenance. Lovely eggs might sound unusual, but the result tastes custardy, caramelly, and rich, with flavours reminiscent of French toast. We sizzle dates in melted butter until they’re warmed through and caramelized and pour in whisked eggs to complete the dish. It’s a simple, unexpected combination that magically turns into a warming breakfast that will make you feel cozy and satisfied. 



  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 5 Medjool dates, halved and pitted
  • 4 large eggs
  • Fine salt
  • Ground cinnamon, for sprinkling
  • Honey, for drizzling (optional)


  1. Melt the butter in a medium nonstick frying pan (with a lid) over medium heat, swirling the pan to coat the bottom evenly. Add the pitted dates, placing them cut-side down in the pan. Let the dates cook for two minutes, then flip them and cook for two more minutes or until they’re slightly softened.
  2. While the dates are caramelizing, crack the eggs into a small bowl and whisk them until the mixture is uniform in colour and texture and is light and foamy. 
  3. Once the dates are caramelized, pour the eggs into the pan and sprinkle with a pinch of salt. Leave the eggs untouched for one to two minutes while the bottom sets. Cover and continue cooking for three to five minutes or until the top of the eggs is just set. Sprinkle a cinnamon over the top and remove the pan from the heat. 
  4. Serve the omelet warm, with a drizzle of honey, if desired. Enjoy!

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