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Non-alcoholic negroni

All the delight of a negroni cocktail, but without the alcohol. 




  • 1/2 grapefruit
  • 1 slice orange
  • 125 g maple syrup
  • 3 cardamom pods
  • Pinch of coriander seeds
  • 2 drops red food colouring


  • 25 ml syrup
  • 1 dehydrated grapefruit slice
  • 25 ml alcohol-free grapefruit and yuzu-infused gin tonic
  • Ice cubes



  1. Chop the grapefruit into small chunks and put them into a saucepan along with the orange slice, maple sugar, 125 millilitres of water, the cardamom pods and coriander seeds. 
  2. Heat the mixture until simmering and cook for around five minutes, crushing the fruit pieces with the back of a wooden spoon as it starts to soften to release the juices. 
  3. Once the fruit has softened and the white pith has faded, take it off the heat and leave it to cool.
  4. If you like you can add a splash of red food colouring to the syrup at this point. 


  1. Once the syrup mixture has cooled, strain it and discard the spices and fruit pieces. 
  2. Fill a tumbler with ice and pour in 25 millilitres of the syrup, 50 ml of the grapefruit gin and tonic.
  3. Stir gently until the outside of the tumbler feels cold. Then garnish with a dehydrated slice of grapefruit. Serve and enjoy! 

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