Lamb tenderloin with charred tomato demi

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Lamb tenderloin with charred tomato demi


  • 1 whole lamb rack, untrimmed
  • 4 tablespoons (60 milliliters) avocado oil, divided
  • 3 Roma tomatoes, halved
  • 1 yellow onion, sliced
  • 1 fresh Poblano pepper
  • 1 fresh jalapeno pepper
  • 4 cups (950 milliliters) beef stock
  • Salt and pepper


  1. Pre-heat grill or broiler to high heat <400 F (<205 C).   
  2. In a large bowl, toss together tomatoes, Poblano peppers, onion, and jalapeño with half of the avocado oil. 
  3. Broil or grill the vegetables until evenly charred.  Remove stems and seeds from the peppers, as needed.  Set aside.
  4. Use a sharp knife to remove the lamb tenderloin from the rack, trim off the fat and sinew and reserve.
  5. Set tenderloin aside; trim bones into manageable pieces and reserve. 
  6. Heat remaining avocado oil in a large heavy pan over medium-high heat, add the reserved bones and trim.
  7. Brown bones and trim well, then drain and discard excess fat.  Remove and reserve the browned bones and trim.
  8. Use the same pan to sauté charred tomatoes, onions, poblanos, and jalapeño for three to five minutes, until soft and beginning to brown.
  9. Return bones and trim the pan, then add beef stock and simmer to make a broth; reduce broth by three quarters.
  10. After the stock has reduced, remove the bones from the broth, transfer the vegetables and broth to a blender.  Blend in batches at the lowest speed, then strain well to make the charred tomato demi.
  11. In a pan over medium/high heat, place three tablespoons (45 milliliters) of avocado oil.
  12. Season the lamb loin roast with salt and pepper.
  13. Brown roast for two minutes per side, until evenly browned and medium rare. Remove from pan and rest for five minutes.
  14. Slice roast and serve with the charred tomato demi.

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