Open a bottle of Jackson-Triggs Grand Reserve Sparkling Merlot that lets you experiment a little with your choice of flavour! It goes really well with this Charcuterie board, with a ton of variety in selection of meat and cheese.
For meat choices:
Prosciutto, culatello, a mild salami, anything pork or duck based will be absolutely beautiful.
For cheese choices:
Parmesan or Pecorino
Aged Agropur Grand cheddar from Saint-Hubert Quebec
Avonlea cloth bound cheddar from Prince Edward Island
Lankaaster from Lancaster won the top prize at the global cheese awards so this definitely should be included too
Decoration: include toasted nuts (ideally walnuts), dried cherries, and Taralli which you can get at your local gourmet or fine grocery store
Prepare all ingredients, arrange on board, and serve!